Certification Exams
The BSSM runs a certification scheme to promote good practice in strain measurement, and to confirm the competence of a strain gauge user by awarding a formal qualification. All courses can be taken independently and taking an exam is optional.
There are 3 levels:
Level 1 - The basic qualification for Technicians who install strain gauges (similar to NVQ2).
Level 2 - The qualification for strain gauge technicians with supervisory roles, who utilise strain gauges to make measurements (similar to NVQ3).
Level 3 (Diploma) - The qualification for senior strain measurement personnel who specify strain gauge installations and who are responsible for the analysis of measurement data (similar to NVQ4)
Full details of the specific level of Certification and links to the pages for registration are given below.

Level 1 Certification
Level 1 Certificate provides a qualification for engineers and technicians involved in the installation of strain gauges. It shows that the holder has demonstrated a high level of skill in making strain gauge installations, and can install gauges that can be used with confidence to make accurate and reliable measurements.

Level 2
The Level 2 Certificate provides a qualification for engineers and technicians who install strain gauges, supervise installations and make measurements. It shows that the holder has demonstrated a high level of skill in making strain gauge installations, is able to prepare detailed instructions for installing gauges and can use gauges to obtain accurate and reliable measurements of the strain in loaded components.

Level 3 (Diploma)
The Level 3 Diploma provides a qualification for engineers and senior technicians having considerable responsibility for strain gauging and strain measurement. It shows that the holder has a broad knowledge of strain measurement methods and component behaviour, and is able to evaluate strain gauge installations and use strain gauges to determine accurate values of stress and the output of strain-gauged sensors.

Continued Proferssional Development (CPD) for Early Careers
The BSSM is ahead of the game when it comes to encouraging early career development. We offer membership, courses, competitions, conferences and networking opportunities in a relaxed and friendly environment.
Training & Certification
Our courses include Stress Analysis and Load Measurement, Strain Analysis, Certification Seminars and Exams.
In addition we offer tailor made courses to suit your specific needs and run these at your company premises
2025 Prices
Level 1
Pre-exam seminar £385
Exam £625
Exam (2 installation types) £750
Renewal £385
Level 2
Pre-exam seminar £385
Exam £880
Renewal £385
Level 3
Pre-exam seminar £470
Exam £1025
Renewal £385
Strain Analysis using Resistance Strain Gauges course £1770
Stress Analysis & Load Measurement course £1440
All prices ex VAT

Available to buy online, the BSSM's Code of Practice for the Installation of Electrical Strain Gauges, Strain Measurement Reference Book and Resistance Strain Gauge Load Cells