50th Anniversary Celebrations
The BSSM organised a special event to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary which took place at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, London, UK on 4th November 2014. A reception and dinner took place in the evening at the Park Hotel in Teddington.
As part of the celebrations a "Measurement Showcase" was held, comprising a series of presentations covering the development and future prospects of the key experimental techniques in wide usage in current research and industrial applications. Internationally leading researchers across a range of subject areas attended to present their work in plenary sessions.
The Showcase followed on from the successful ICEM16 conference organised by BSSM, and celebrated achievements alongside exciting new developments.
There was an exhibition of current instrumentation as well as a ‘trip down memory lane’ with exhibitors displaying old cameras and equipment, and participants also presented posters on their work. The Showcase was a unique event aimed at engineers and scientists with a background in experimental mechanics, test and evaluation, numerical stress analysis and structural design wishing to enhance their knowledge of current techniques and their applications.
The topics covered were relevant over many industries and were also of great use to those studying for higher degrees that cover aspects of material and structural performance. The Showcase enabled practitioners to better understand the advantages and limitations of imaging systems by providing live demonstrations from manufacturers. Delegates were invited to produce posters on their current research for display during the breaks in the programme.
The Showcase was an interactive event with ample opportunity for discussion and questions at the end of the presentations, as well as a wrap-up session where key points were summarised through a panel discussion.
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Please also give a huge thanks to the course instructors. It was a wonderful and enjoyable course which has consolidated my existing strain gauging knowledge