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Member News - Focus on Alemnis AG

How to achieve ultra-high strain rates in small-scale mechanical testing



At the macroscale, there are numerous proven methodologies for ultra-high strain rate testing (impact experiments, Kolsky pressure bar, etc.). However, the micro- and nanoscales remain comparatively unexplored due to the inherent limitations of the established testing methods. One of the foremost techniques used to explore the mechanical properties of sample materials is nanoindentation. Though incredibly valuable, nanoindentation tests typically employ quasi-static loading, which limits available strain rates to fairly low levels (<10-2/s).

Alemnis specializes in micro- and nanoscale indentation testing for a wide range of materials, leveraging our pioneering Alemnis Standard Assembly (ASA) with proprietary high- and ultra-high strain rate modules.

Alemnis offers four distinct configurations:

VHS-1-1, for impact/fatigue testing at strain rates of up to 1,000/s using a piezo stack actuator with a normal load range of 1N. 

UHS-1-1, for impact/fatigue testing at ultra-high strain rates of up to 20,000/s using class-leading SmarTip actuation with a range of +/- 175V. 

UHS-1-3, for ultra-high strain rate tests with additional tri-axial sensing (normal and lateral force) with a lateral load range of +/- 0.1N. 

UHS-3-3, a complete ultra-high strain rate testing solution with tri-axial sensing and actuation enabling novel nanotribology applications. 

If you would like more information about integrating the Alemnis ASA for your high strain rate testing objectives, please contact Alemnis 

See our Application note and examples here

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