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Ninth Postgraduate Experimental Mechanics (PGEM) Workshop

Date/Time: 1 September 2025

Location: Imperial College London, UK, London, UK

Price: £80 inc VAT delegate fee

PGEM will take place the day before the BSSM's 19th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics - Imperial College London, UK
Delegates are welcome to attend both events

The PGEM workshop will provide postgraduate students with a space to network, learn from experts through practical activities, and gain inspiration from speakers with diverse career paths, including academia, industry, and entrepreneurship.
Student 3-minute thesis presentation award
Technical, industrial, entrepreneurial presentations

Practical activities on strain measurements
From 11.00-16.30 hrs.
Room booked: CAGB 300, Imperial College London, South Kensington

The BSSM's Eighth PGEM Workshop aims to bring together PhD/MPhil postgraduate students and early career researchers involved in the field of Engineering measurement and experimental techniques in stress, strain and vibration analysis. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to share and discuss their current research in a low pressure and relatively informal environment, learn about research projects at other institutions, network amongst like-minded people and make contacts for the future.

The workshop is also an ideal opportunity for professionals from academia and industry to learn more about the cutting edge research currently taking place within UK Engineering technology institutions.

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