High Speed Imaging Showcase
National Physical Laboratory
Nov 2010
BSSM organised a special measurement workshop on High Speed Imaging as part of the Showcase events.
The Showcase included invited presentations on aspects and applications of high speed imaging relevant to experimental mechanics and an exhibition of current instrumentation, software and camera systems.

Professor Bill Proud
Imperial College London

Overview of current status and showcase activities
Dr Clive Siviour
University of Oxford

Professor Fabrice Pierron
Arts et Metier ParisTech, France

Poster - PlmMS - an intelligent pixel sensor
JJ John
University of Oxford

Poster - High-speed thermography for damage assessment during high strain rate testing
Duncan Crump
University of Southampton

Gary Battams
University of Southampton

Marco Longana
University of Southampton

Poster - Ultra-High Speed Imaging for DIC
Mark Eaton
Cardiff University
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