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2019 Conference Theme - Supporting Simulations with Strain Measurement (CEN WS71)


Round robin results for CWA16799:2014 – Validation of computational solid mechanics models
G. Lampeas1, E.A. Patterson2, E. Hack3,
1 Industrial Systems Institute, Athena Research and Innovation Centre, Greece
2 University of Liverpool, UK
3 Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland 

Generalised decomposition of strain fields in complex components
A. Dean, W.J.R. Christian 
University of Liverpool, UK  

Incorporating historical data in a validation process
E. Hack1, K. Dvurecenska2, G. Lampeas3, E.A. Patterson2, T. Siebert4, E.Szigeti5
1 Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland 
2 University of Liverpool, UK
3 Industrial Systems Institute, Athena Research and Innovation Center, Greece
4 Dantec Dynamics GmbH, Germany
5 Airbus Operations Ltd., UK 

Probabilistic metric for validation based on strain field data 
K. Dvurecenska, E. Patelli, E.A. Patterson 
University of Liverpool, UK 

Evaluating measurement uncertainty in industrial environments
Th. Siebert, K. Splitthof
Dantec Dynamics GmbH, Germany   

Supporting simulations with strain measurement – Panel Discussion 
E.A. Patterson1, E. Hack2, Thorsten Siebert3, Eszter Szigeti4
1 University of Liverpool, UK
2 Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland
3 Dantec Dynamics GmbH, Germany
4 Airbus Operations Ltd., UK 

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