2018 Conference Theme - Structural Testing
Design and optimization of a multi-camera structural test using pre-visualization
Matthieu Vitse1, M. Poncelet1, A.E. Iskef1, J.-E. Dufour2, R. Gras3, A. Bouterf1, B. Raka1, C. Giry1, F. Gatuingt1, F. Hild1, F. Ragueneau1 and S.Roux1
1ENS Paris-Saclay, France, 2University of Pavia, Italy, 3EikoSim, France
High precision tracking compensator for single component hybrid simulation
Jacob Waldbjoern, A. Quinlan, C. Berggreen
Technical University of Denmark
Characterisation of a whirling arm erosion test rig
Cameron Mackie, D. Boyce, D. Nash
University of Strathclyde, UK
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