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2018 Conference Theme - Digital Image Correlation (DIC)


Comparison of DIC measurements and FEM predictions for thermally induced deformation of a stainless steel tube
Shirley Eseigbe, R. Taylor2, E.A. Patterson1
1University of Liverpool, 2University of Manchester, UK

Can a pre-speckled encasement be used for vacuum loading, parallel to assessment via digital image correlation?
Scott Matthews1, D. Jesson1, P. Smith1, M. Helliker2, L. Beavis2, B. James2
1University of Surrey, 2Dstl, UK

A framework for non-deterministic model validation using full-field measurements
Antonios Alexiadis, S. Ferson, E.A. Patterson
University of Liverpool, UK

Local deformation behaviour of pure magnesium under dynamic loading
P. Malchow, S. Ravindran, B. Koohbor, Addis Kidane
University of South Carolina, USA

A full-field approach to characterizing acoustoplasticity
Colin Souza, M. Lucas
University of Glasgow, UK

Heterogeneities in the mechanical accommodation of α-γ transformation in iron
N. Bruzy1, Michel Coret1, B. Huneau1, E. Bertrand2, G. Kermouche3, M. Mondon3
1Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Nantes, 3 Laboratoire Georges Friedel, Saint- Étienne, France

Digital image correlation using the natural beauty of wood
Tim Belden, D.A. Jesson, J.F. Watts
University of Surrey, UK

Optical strain measurement system for fatigue testing
J.V. Sahadi1, R.J.H. Paynter1, David Nowell1,2
1University of Oxford, 2Imperial College London, UK

Mechanical characterisation of the adhesion between a silicone elastomer film and silicone gels
Christophe Berto, Y. Tillier
MINES ParisTech, France

Evaluation of sensitivity-based virtual fields for non-linear parameter identification including DIC filtering effects
Pascal Lava1, J.Furmanski2, A. Marek3, F.M. Davis3, F. Pierron3
1MatchID, Belgium, 2ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research, USA, 3University of Southampton, UK

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