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2018 Conference Theme - Dental Biomechanics


Cyclic fatigue tests and their translational implications for survival of reconstructions in dentistry
Mutlu Özcan 
University of Zurich, Switzerland

The failure envelope concept and stress shielding in the bone-dental implant system
Daniel Rittel, K. Shemtov-Yona, R. Korabi, A. Dorogoy 
Technion, Israel

Bursting pressure and circumferential root strains in ex-vivo model of vertical root fracture
Tamar Brosh, Z. Metzger, R. Pilo 
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Load response of the human masticatory system during chewing: A multi-body musculoskeletal modelling study
David Ackland1, D.L. Robinson1, H. Saini2, P.V.S. Lee1, O. Röhrle2 
1University of Melbourne, Australia, 2Stuttgart University, Germany

A novel methodology for analyzing strains developed in endodontically treated teeth rehabilitated by post-core–crown
Raphael Pilo, Z. Metzger, T. Brosh, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Numerical investigations of edentulous patients with complete denture and implant-supported overdenture
Istabrak Hasan1, A. Lohmann1, L. Keilig1, F. Heinemann2, C. Bourauel1 
1University of Bonn, 2University of Greifswald, Germany

Numeric simulation of long-term orthodontic tooth movement using the finite element method
Noriaki Yoshida1, R. Hamanaka2, J.Y. Tominaga1
1Nagasaki University, 2Nagasaki University Hospital, Japan

Biomechanical analysis of the mandibular front in presence of a local gingival recession in combination with a tertiary crowding
S. Reimann, D. Baghdadi, C. Reichert, L. Keilig, Christoph Bourauel
University of Bonn, Germany

Changes in the biomechanical properties of the periodontal ligament after orthodontic treatment – a combined clinical, experimental and numerical study
Christoph Bourauel, A. Konermann, R. Al-Malat, J. Skupin, S. Reimann, L. Keilig
University of Bonn, German

Impact of machining process on the flexural strength of a composite resin block for CAD/CAM dental restorations
H. Issaoui, H. Fron-Chabouis, Aurélie Benoit
Université Paris Descartes, France

The detection threshold of non-contacting laser profilometry and characterisation of microscale surface changes in natural human enamel following citric acid-mediated attack
Petros Mylonas1, T. Bull2, R. Moazzez1, A. Joiner2, D. Bartlett3 
1Kings College London, 2University of Southampton, 3Unilever Oral Care, UK

Mechanical characterisation of the temporomandibular joint disc through local compression and traction
Lara Tappert1, A. Baldit1, R. Do Nascimento1,2, P. Lipinski1, R. Rahouadj1 
1LEM3 – ENIM, University of Lorraine, France, 2University of São Paulo, Brazil

In situ indentation of dental composite materials coupling micro computed tomography and digital volume correlation
M. Gallo1, E. Maire1, N. Brulat-Bouchard2, Yannick Tillier2
1INSA Lyon, 2MINES ParisTech, France

Numerical evaluation of the application of high performance polymers as a framework material in dental prosthetics
Ludger Keilig, H. Stark, C. Bourauel
University of Bonn, Germany

X-ray microtomography characterization and mechanical analysis of sealing defects within all- ceramic dental restorations
Kyo Shindo1, N. Schmitt2 and E.Vennat1,3 
1MSSMat, Centrale-Supélec, 2LMT, ENS Paris-Saclay, 3Université Paris Descartes, France

The mechanical reliability of ceramic dental implants
Keren Shemtov-Yona1, N. de Basso2, M. Özcan3 and D. Rittel1
1Technion, Israel, 2Private Practice, Stockholm, Sweden, 3University of Zurich, Switzerland

Estimation of dental implant stability: comparison between resonance frequency analysis and a quantitative ultrasound technique
R. Vayron, Guillaume Haiat
CNRS, France

Characterization of the dentin microstructural components: a FIB-SEM analysis
Ursule Muendi1, T. Reiss1, E. Dursun2,3, E. Vennat1,2
1CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, 2Université Paris Descartes, 3Hôpital Albert Chenevier, Créteil, France

Bone remodelling around dental implants based on functional loading
Salih Celik, L. Keilig, I. Hasan, C. Bourauel
University of Bonn, Germany

In vitro anchorage measurements and primary stability performance under dynamic loading of two implant designs
Ainara Irastorza-Landa1, M. Geisendorf1, J. Fabech2, P. Heuberger1 
1Nobel Biocare Services AG, 2Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Germany


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