Click on the tab to go to the Conference page, or the links to explore papers presented at a particular session.

Oxford 2022
A final programme as a word document is available to download here
The conference took place between Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th September 2022 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford, UK

Belfast 2019
Abstracts of the papers presented can be accessed from the relevant conference theme.
High Strain Rate
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
In-situ and Micro-mechanical Testing
Residual Stress
Digital Image Correlation
Volumetric Imaging Techniques for Structural Characterisation
Large Deformations in Polymers and Composites
Thermographic and Synchrotron X-ray Techniques
Structural Health Monitoring
Novel Techniques for Characterisation and Testing
Advanced Material Characterisation
Supporting Simulations with Strain Measurement (CEN WS71)
Experimental Biomechanics
Friction and Wear
Component and Joints Testing
Dynamic Testing

Southampton 2018
Conference Page
Abstracts of the papers presented can be accessed from the relevant conference theme.
Dental Biomechanics
High Strain Rate
Fatigue and Fracture
Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
Small Scale Testing
Structural Testing
Novel Sensor Development

Sheffield 2017
Abstracts of the papers presented can be accessed from the relevant conference theme.